Обзор 8Uppers DVD

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By MerkyPie

DVD: Live Tour 2010 → 2011 8Uppers

Release Date: 2011.04.13

Discs: 3 Discs (Limited Edition)

Label: Imperial Records

With all popular musicians and idols in Japan, once there’s a concert… six months down the road there will be a DVD release. And in the case of the Kanjani8, this is almost a given. Every album has a tour and with each tour is a DVD at their biggest venue (with the 2008 concert season being the only exception to this rule, but there was no album released that year). So, the wonderful folks at Imperial Records decided to capture their shinning moment at Tokyo Dome with expensive HD, 1080, cameras and put this release on a 2-Disc normal edition, a 3-disc ‘limited edition’ (using the term lightly), or a regular blu-ray release for us fans as a gift (which only requires us to pay around, lets say, 70 dollars. How nice of them). As always, you want to get the most bang for your buck, and unless you have a blu-ray player, the wisest choice would be to purchase the so called, ‘limited edition’.

And that’s what I did.

For a whopping $78 dollars, not including shipping, I got three discs of Kanjani8 and a mini photobook packaged nearly in a plastic case within a hard sleeve. I remember when I got 47 back in 2007 and I had complained about the packaging compared to what GLAY was doing at the time. But, believe me when I say that 47 has been the best packaged concert DVD since then.

But, moving on from packaging, let’s get down to the DVD. I won’t be reviewing track by track because that would simply be redundant and I don’t feel like breaking down this DVD. At the end of the day its going to boil down into two key factors

The Performance. Are they lip synching? And if they are singing, are they even on key?

The DVD editing

Visually, the DVD is amazing. The colors are vibrant and the sound is great. I don’t know if my HDMI cable as anything to do with it (I doubt it) but if it wasn’t for some minor compression here or there, I would have believed I was watching this concert in at least 720p. With the HD cameras used in the concert, you really get to feel for the size of Tokyo Dome. It always seems smaller at other concerts because they use the standard cameras, but the widescreen shots makes you feel as if you’re there in the crowd with the 49,960 fangirls and 40 fanboys.

The DVD editing leaves less to be desired. Awkward, and sometimes forced, fadeouts disrupts the concert mood. It seems choppy, with straight cuts into new songs rather than filming the audience cheering as they wait for a costume or set change. This happens frequently on Disc 1 and it also ends on a forced fade out in the middle of a segment between the members. You’re not getting the full concert and its disappointing because its so obvious that you’re not getting all of it. The last concert to have little, to none, editing was Spirits at Osaka Jo Hall. Ever since then each tour has slowly been edited to oblivion and this one tops the cake for most unnecessary edits.

Cinematography, on the other hand, is amazing. The cameras catch a lot of great angels, taking advantage of space that they’re in. It isn’t just close ups on the face, you have wideshots, crane shots, bird’s eye views from the top of the stands, aerial perspectives, etc. There’s also a lot more audience, of fan, cameos on this DVD. Certain shots just dedicated to seeing fans sing a long, sing, or simply interact with friends or families.

Now, in terms of the performance, I’ve never been a fan of Tokyo Dome performances. To me, they’re so big and so showy that it distracts from the performance at hand. There’s too much going on to really pay attention to the 7 main singers. There’s back up dancers (Juniors) everywhere, Jumbo screens playing their own music videos, lights and other sets. The performance is so big it seems to consume itself, you’re no longer focusing on Kanjani8 and their performance but rather focusing on everything to put more emphasis on their performance. Though, I am greatful for the lack of Juniors I have to see on these DVDs. I don’t give two flying shits about J&A and the whole junior process and quite frankly I don’t want to see any awkwardly dancing off beat juniors. So, if there’s one thing I’m grateful for a Tokyo Dome DVD, its that.

Also, big dome DVDs are also the most overly processed DVDs to be released for an idol group. I don’t know if they decided to do this because of the obvious audio problems on the first Tokyo Dome DVD they released (Puzzle), but it seems very obvious that choruses and whole verses have been dubbed over with the studio album track and that annoys the hell out of me. If I wanted to listen to the album, I would have put the CD in the DVD player and watch my Philips screensaver but I paid a lot of money for a live performance and I wanted to hear Kanjani8 in all their unbalanced off key singing. Songs like Ukiyodoribito put heavy emphasis on Kanjani8′s harmony, which they manage to do well because of the magic of post-engineering, but there’s no way Kanjani8 opened up the show in flawless harmony that sounded exactly like the studio. No way.

Bringing us to my issue with the lip synching. Of course Kanjani8 has lip synched, most notoriously Yokoyama Yuu (but he can’t sing), so watching some segments was just too much, like the Techno Pop Melody. But, maybe that can be attested to the major post processing they’ve done.

Overall Rating: C

Devoted, obsessed fans will eat this concert up and give it a A or more. I can’t do that.

I enjoy live dvd performances because its live. Its a different take on the studio version. But this DVD is too showy and too processed for me to really enjoy. I don’t want to see a music video, I want to see a live concert. Unfortunately, that didn’t happened. There’s too little live and too much dubbing and if it wasn’t for that I would have enjoyed this performance.

I also had expected 8Uppers to be almost entirely live band as the entire album is basically rock save for two or three songs, but unfortunately songs like Nakanaide, Boku no Music were transformed into dance tunes. I wish I could give into the boyband idol image but I just wish they keep K8 either a rockband or a boyband. Just pick something and stick with it.

Вот это. Фак ю, не трожьте Йоко!!:apstenu:

Bringing us to my issue with the lip synching. Of course Kanjani8 has lip synched, most notoriously Yokoyama Yuu (but he can’t sing), so watching some segments was just too much, like the Techno Pop Melody. But, maybe that can be attested to the major post processing they’ve done.
Overall Rating: C

@темы: Орэ-сама, Кимитака, Eito, negative